Our neighbor, John DeWit, is having an exhibition at the Foster White Gallery in Seattle. He’s showcasing a completely reimagined environment for his work!
Our neighbor, John DeWit, is having an exhibition at the Foster White Gallery in Seattle. He’s showcasing a completely reimagined environment for his work!
Just a quick reminder that our annual meeting is coming up Wednesday. We’d love to see you there!
The preliminary engineering work is being completed on the new road for the Airpark Access Project, and they’ve given us a copy of the most recent iteration of their design.
Preliminary Design – Across from Craw – Full PDF
It’s important to understand that this design is preliminary and conceptual: there will be revisions and changes as the process moves forward. However, now would also be a great time to comment and get your opinion heard!
We’ll be talking more about the WAAP and this design at our upcoming annual meeting on Feb 27th.
Stay tuned!
Whidbey Airpark and Whidbey Telecom are partnering to put another weather station up on the tall Whidbey Telecom cell phone tower, just off Crawford!
Soon, we’ll have detailed weather information both above, and below the treeline…
Watch this space for updates!
Our condolences go out to the family and friends of Marc Drake at this time, and we hope for a speedy recovery for the woman involved.
The South Whidbey Record has more information.
Thanks to Phil, Tara, and Sky for clearing those trees across Crawford almost as quickly as they fell!
Check it out!
With Whidbey Telecom transitioning away from providing television services, their excellent Whidbey TV content is now available online.
Our thanks to John de Wit from Cultus Bay Glass for this fantastic slow-motion video of a Coast Guard flyby at Whiskey One Zero
Whiskey One Zero (W10), our friendly neighborhood air park, has a weather station!
If you’re interested in up-to the second information about that gust that just happened, this would be a fantastic place to get it!
Thanks, Sky and Tara!